
Download Modern CSV 2.0
Download Modern CSV 2.0

Given how badly common tools mangle unambiguously correct CSV data, how many variations there are which make “unambiguously correct CSV data” a somewhat small proportion of what is out there, and how many tools not only expect but require mis-formatted data and/or output it, it is scary how much the format is relied upon in major industries.

download Modern CSV 2.0 download Modern CSV 2.0

(We could of course output Excel files directly, but some of them can't download office documents from web apps because of security policy at their end.) Try explaining to a client that we have formatted it correctly and Excel is reading it wrong… We've had bugs raised against our software because the clients use meeting titles like 1-2-1 for supervisory reviews which when extracted for reporting and opened in Excel (they love to dump data into Excel no matter what report functions you include directly in the application) get interpreted as a date even when output as a quoted string in the CSV file.

Download Modern CSV 2.0